Saturday, 24 June 2017

Blink and we're there

I put out the request for information on unrecorded species, Phil fires back Kestrel and Hobby, then Jenny and Steve spot 2 Peregrines over yesterday and at 07:30 this morning I found not 1 but 2 Common Sandpiper...putting us on 90 for June matching last year.

Perhaps we can still add Little Grebe, is there a Water Rail lurking in a ditch, how about a secret spot for breeding Willow Warbler, will a Shelduck fly in??? I think Little Grebe is out there somewhere allowing us to push the June total one higher than ever.

So back to them Common Sandpipers, here is what I saw first;

I'll forgive myself for being a bit quick off the blocks and calling one a Green, but shortly after my first WhatsApp message the truth became clear, not great shots of course

Same 3 Teal, 3 Grey Wagtail and for me first views of Common Tern chicks

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