Sunday, 24 April 2016

Arctic Tern 5 years on the trot

Another early morning at Lea Farm GP and another quiet hour or so, 2 male Shoveler, the pair of Teal, 2 different Little Egret over, 9 male Gadwall and 1 Common Sand.

More hirundines coming thru, 30+ House Martin, then 30 more, followed by another 60.

I moved to BSL and on arrival picked up a tern coming in from the SW, it had a buoyant flight and when it appeared from behind the main island and was visible side on, it's long streamers confirmed my thoughts, adult Arctic Tern, it stayed for 18 minutes before heading off East and despite the range, I managed a poor record shot.

This is the 5th year on the trot I've been in the right place at the right time, dates ranging from 11th to 28th.

2 Common Sands were on the beach, with a sprinkle of all three hirundines over the lake

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