Monday, 17 October 2016

Marsh Tit

With a report coming in yesterday of Marsh Tit, I thought I'd share the entire database of records

October 16th 2016 - Lavell's (Renton Righelato) heard only, so even as he puts it rarity of the species leaves this record not 100% confirmed.
April 26th 2006 - Aviation museum area (GG), no other details and the observer was not known to the local group
May 16th 1998 - Lavell's (OU)
May 6th 1992 - Lavell's (OU)
March 5th 1990 - (OU), May 12th 1990 - Lavell's (Bird Race Team)
October 2nd 1988 - (OU)
October 5th 1985 - (Alan McCall)
Jan to April records 1984 - per Berkshire Bird Report, one specific record April 13th Middle Marsh (D Finnie)
July 6th 1983 - (Phil Ball), 25th (OU), Aug 2nd (AJ & TB), 2/9th (D Finnie), Nov 26th (D Finnie & EE Green)
Sept 28th 1982 - (M Russell)

The 1984 records were clustered around Middle Marsh, but I only saw Willow Tit on the 12th at that location.

The 1998 to 1988 records cannot be verified due to no observer details and there have been a few others since 1998 that were all second hand reports, so observer names and therefore authenticity of the records could be confirmed.

Marsh Tit has disappeared from East Berkshire, there may be the odd spot that gets them occasionally, but I am highly doubtful of all of the records after 1984, including the 12th May 1990 claim by the winning bird race team of that day, which despite the highly qualified team, Marsh Tit was never recorded in May before then and never even heard by locals before.

It all sounds very scathing I know, but with so the species being mobile, often silent and mistakable with Coal Tit, I feel much consideration should be given to this now lost gem.

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