I'll be kind to myself and say it's because we simply don't get enough big gulls visit us often enough, but it's as much about me not really binding all the identification features of various aged Yellow-legged Gulls, that keeps preventing me from being sure when we are presented with 'possibles'.
Today we heard a gun shot quite near to the East and this was followed by a sizable party of 93+ quickly heading into Lea Farm G.P.
No issues with LBB, or the Great Black-backed that flew over South, but it was the moulting darker backed ones and the the much bigger one that looked like the bird on this website http://radioactiverobins.com/archive/gulls/indexyellow-leggedgulls.htm in particular the bird half way down the page marked Yellow-legged Gull L.m.camarquensis 1CY 26092007 Westkapelle
I will stop being so lazy and get my head around these pesky gulls, so I can be much more exact about Yellow Legs that are less than 3 years old.
Over 51 Snipe today, but couldn't see a Jack with them, but bet there is one there. 2 Little Egret again.
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