Friday, 12 June 2015

Warbler sp?

I was doing a circuit of car park field, BSL, Sandford & Lavell's, heading towards the new viewing screen on Sandford, I got a few notes of a descending warbler song. I waited for 20 minutes and heard snippets of interesting high pitched calls, and 2-3 notes that did reminded me of Wood Warbler, but never got on to a bird in my bins.

I decided to go around to Lavell's side about half way between the hides and heard 1-2 snippets of high pitched notes, but with car, plane and wind noise, it was impossible.

It is not impossible I was just hearing the calls of juvenile common species, but I have a hunch there is an interesting warbler to be found.

I went to Bittern Hide and there was 1 Little Egret and 20 Gadwall, majority males.

Returning around 15:45 it had begun raining, so hearing calls above that and the beginning of rush hour, was pointless. With the calls ringing in my mind from before, I really do hope I, or someone else turns up an interesting warbler there tomorrow.

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