Saturday, 16 February 2019

The 80's get backs continue

My rather intermittent year listing efforts have continued, but I have made a few successful attempts to keep seeing pre dawn Woodcock at Teal scrape, two again this morning 06:49. I say two, but one went past, looked to be dropping, then 20 seconds later what may well have been a second bird did the same, coming in so low it was unlikely to have been the first bird doing a complete circle of the inner island - I also feel that when the Jackdaws are 'inbound' it tends to mark the end of Woodcock flight.

So Cetti's and Water Rail call, the latter failing to do so by my late arrival and it's "where to next?" knowing I was still missing getable year ticks like Kestrel, Coal Tit, Skylark and surely Grey Wagtail by now?

I decided on Lea Farm, perhaps a Jack Snipe, or...what?

A few more ducks now the sheep farming has moved to the back landfill, 96 Wigeon, 45+ Teal, 4 Shoveler, 6 Gadwall, 1 Little Grebe, 1 Snipe and despite the murky'ish start making it not so easy to see, I felt I'd covered it by 07:30.

Now it's fair to say I like to be thorough and scoping is the only way be so, but when you are peering through your scope counting ducks etc. it is fair to say anything can fly over and you'd be oblivious, but it can't be helped when you are on your own.

So, it was just like that this morning and as I often do I like to do a final 'bins scan' to check nothing obvious has dropped in while I've been going metre by metre along the edge.

And then 'boooooom'..."sawbills in the NE corner" straight to scope, a pause while the brain catches up with the eyes on what you hadn't expected. I'm looking at a male Red-breasted Merganser just right of the North spit...."wow, wow, wow...unbelievable" to quote my dear Kate Bush.

It dived immediately and I went back to bins as I tried to confirm that in my head I'd seen two birds thru bins "yes there is a bird to the right, a redhead", scope again "yep there she is it's a pair, but there is the male again, wow" She dived and both went behind the North spit.

In those moments when you think "blimey another lifer form the 80's I've been waiting for for over 30 years" the subconscious brain is saying other things. Mine was saying "the line between the head and neck was very clean, the bill didn't turn up" but my conscious brain had gone into "must call friends and WhatsApp this mega news".

Call I did, but no farther than the second call and they had reappeared and were lifting off the NE corner, clockwise towards me, then away North and gone.

In short I don't leave my patch much nowadays, so don't see many Red-breasted Mergansers, a few more Goosander and in the panic of seeing a lifer, things got a little fuzzy, but I've played back in my head what I saw and I know that it was not a pair of Red Breasted Mergansers, but a male and a redhead Goosander....a life and a nice year tick.

Not to regret it, but today of all days I decided not to bring my busted tripod, so much as I would have loved to have got even the worst record shot in the world, both the practicalities and my endeavour to get the news out meant the opportunity passed and was missed....I do try to my best to help others see good birds.

Once more for the record, it really does help if you get out nice and early!

I feel compelled to summarize the ticks I've had in the last 10 years, that I only dreamed would occur again and in some cases waited 30 years or more to see;

Whooper Swan - 7/10th Nov 2013 - Previous confirmed record 1/20th March 1982
Bewick's Swan - 3/28th Dec 2014 - Previous confirmed record 18/22nd March 1996
Red-breasted Merganser - 1/16th Feb 2019  - Previous confirmed record 4/5th March 1986
Little Stint - 1/8th Sept 2016 - Previous confirmed record 1/22nd Sept 1993
Grey Phalarope - 1/1st Nov 2018 - Only other record 2/16th Oct 1987 (Hurricane)
Nightjar - 1/30th Aug 2016 - Previous confirmed record 2/11th Aug 1984
Wryneck - 1/29th Aug 2012 - Previous confirmed record 1/24th & 25th Aug 1997

Not ticks but long time between records

Ring Ouzel - 1/13th April 2016 - Previous confirmed record 1/15th April 1988
Ferruginous Duck - 1/2nd Dec 2009 - Previous confirmed record 1/18th Feb to 11th March 1988

Still waiting on the next

Red Throated Diver
Long-tailed Duck
Red-footed Falcon
Hen Harrier
Wilson's Phalarope
Curlew Sandpiper
Iceland Gull
Arctic Skua
Marsh Warbler
Marsh Tit

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