Friday, 18 September 2015

Light passage and light on luck

Yesterday I was out around 10:00, 5 Meadow Pipit going South straight away, then I heard something more 'rasping' and got onto a pipit going away, with a deep undulating flight, as I couldn't tell if the call came from the pipit, I can't be sure it was Tree Pipit...but it was fairly likely.

Apart from that it seemed quiet, but then got a single Yellow Wagtail over, then finding a Lesser Whitethroat beneath the big Hawthorn.

There were a lot of hirundines over the landfill, some moving South, many lingering, but a conservative estimate was around 250 each of House Martin and Swallow, plus a handful of Sand Martin too.

I went out again around 14:00 and had Coal Tit over the car park, then a Yellow Wagtail low SW over the landfill. The hirundines had mostly gone, bar a few small groups moving thru.

Today I was out around 09:30 and had Whitethroat in the hedgerow on the right as you enter the car park field, a few Blackcap, 5-7 Meadow Pipit, but little else, so headed for the BSL compound and immediately found a Lesser Whitethroat.

Being much quieter than yesterday I left around 10:30, but as soon as I got home Alan called saying a GREAT WHITE EGRET just dropped in. "Am on my way" I said, but had not even left my drive when he called back saying Lapwing had flushed it and it was heading S/SE over Lavell's/Sandford airspace. Lapwings! of all bloody things to flush our 4th GWE.

At least I've seen 2 of them, here are the dates for all of them

5th November 2009 LFGP (FJC & ARy) Landed in SE corner, but flew off North
5th September 2013 LFGP (FJC & BTB) Flew over low, nearly landed but kept going North
21st November 2013 Lavell's (GSE) A photo of a bird flying away appears to reveal it as GWE
18th September 2015 LFGP Landed briefly on East shore, but flushed off by Lapwing, heading S/SE (ARy & Bob Bennett)

So you could argue, we are surely going to have a staying bird soon.....And have we had others since 2013, since they appear to hate staying put?

Anyway, Alan got some shots they are on Berksbirds

A nice bird to hit 130 for the park with!

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