Saturday, 16 September 2017

Retrospective year tick

All week I've been watching Meadow Pipits go over, from every angle and their characteristics are very familiar. Meadow occur from early September and in recent years always on and over the landfill, their flitting jerky flight unmistakable.

So when the three pipits flew from the trees near the DAC last Sunday (10th), landing in the tops of trees twice and not at the top, within the top I think that was good reason to suspect something. The first autumn passage of Meadow Pipit began the day before, 7 went over that morning in the typical style, 3, 1, 1 & a 2, the odd call and never stopping.

But the 3 on the golf course did not do this and no pipit since that day has done so either. My conclusion is that they were Tree Pipits. And while some, most or even the majority may laugh, I am including them on my 2017 year list.

Since Thursday I have seen a good few more Meadow Pipit, c100 today. Hirundines have been around in numbers too 500-700 in the last 3 days, few today. Hobby has been on offer most mornings around 07:00 too.

Dawn was very pleasant today, 30-40 Mipits thru by 06:45, another 70-80 off the landfill 08:00, still 15+ Mistle Thrush, Hobby, then John found the another Spotted Flycatcher, on the big Hawthorn once again, my 7th this autumn. And where are the Redstart? It worrying me!

A notable increase in Song Thrush, 5-6 car park field alone.

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