Saturday, 15 July 2017

90's July

And I'm not talking about the year....

I arrived usual sort of time 06:10 at LFGP, hide left insecure lock on but gate open, not very clever whom ever did that, as you can the lock on the did it not occur to their subconscious brain what am I locking here?

Peering out mum and foal Roe deer on the shingle island, don't see that every day, terns and BH Gulls were not happy.

I began scanning and quickly found a summer plumage Dunlin, which we usually get 4 out of 5 years in July. then something small next to 2 Common Sandpiper had me guessing for a second, I stared and the penny dropped, this pale yellow bird turned and I realised it was a juvenile Yellow Wagtail, very uncommon in July, the first since 2006.

These two and Geoff's Snipe 2 days ago put us on 90 for July, = 3rd place with 2014, 1 more to match 2015, 4 more to equal 2013's first place.

And with species like Redshank, Greenshank, Little Grebe, Peregrine, Yellow-legged, Common, or Med Gull and Linnet all good candidate additions, we might again break a month record.

The SW corner is still looking great, about 2" more water now, but still perfect for goodies like Wood Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Ruff, Garganey, or a Spoonbill???

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