Monday, 17 April 2017

Feels right for passage

Sunday was okay really, I began at LFGP looking for Little-Ringed Plover, reported by our friend from Devon shortly before. I found 1, then 2, then 3, finally 4 on the East shore, plus a Common Sandpiper. John went and found 5 later!

Brian and I found 7+ House Martin moving around beyond Lavell's/Sandford Farm and Geoff told me later that Sand Martins were checking out the wall at LFGP.

Today, I was back out 06:30 and still 23 Teal at LFGP, 4 more at Tern scrape, 2 pairs Gadwall, 6 males. But no Shoveler, their departure was quite sudden. An LRP flew off at 06:53, a Common Sandpiper in the NE corner was barely visible.

At BSL a Common Tern was on the yellow buoy, but then mobile another Common Sandpiper had colour rings so I have made inquiries on it's origins. 100+ hirundines of mostly House Martins was a nice sight at last.

Later I was heading to the BSL viewpoint and bumped into Martin Mitchell, who told me he had just seen a Red-legged Partridge over near the WSL reed bed on the path and it had walked toward the copse near the Loddon. I bombed over there and had it in flight heading right, I quickly trudged down the TDFC path and flushed it on the left right on top of the weir, it went around me and into the Alder next to Heron's Water where I lost sight of it.

April is a good month for this species;

April 17th 2017
April 14th 2012 - near Teal Hide (GSE)
April 10th 2010 - flew over the Loddon barn at DP main centre (FJC)
April 9th 2002 - A poorly looking bird next to the path to Bittern hide (EN & FJC)
April 16th 1988 - On back fields behind Lavell's

The last thing to mention is a strange call along the Sandford backwater, a little like the pre-amble of Whitethroat, but perhaps a tone not unlike Lesser. It never showed and left me baffled.

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